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Cultural norms and rampant ageism have labeled midlife as a crisis riddled with stagnation and decrepitude. The reality is entirely different and full of potential. Old constructs no longer apply.
Explore the Seven Lifestyle Levers™️ that ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science that proves the moniker Lifestyle IS Medicine. Assess your current state of integrating body, mind, and spirit in ways that optimize your wisdom at every stage and any age while aligning your health span and lifespan.
The founder of Odyssey Group Coaching, Barbara works with midlife clients to empower them to thrive personally and professionally. Using her singular executive and life coaching model, Entrepreneurship Turned Inward©, and her proprietary, science-based Five Essential Elements© and Five to Thrive Quiz™, Barbara is a highly sought-after workshop leader and keynote speaker. As one of the only gerontologist-coaches in the United States, Barbara incorporates cutting-edge research while employing compassion, honesty, and a light heart. She has inspired and motivated thousands of individuals and senior-level leaders to be better leaders in their professional and personal lives.
Connect with Barbara’s team to inquire about your next event, workshop, or other opportunity.
For immediate needs, please email.
Gerontologist and life stage expert, Barbara Waxman, shares valuable insights that will turn everything you think about the future of aging and longevity in the 21st century on its head. During this dynamic presentation, Barbara distills decades of research to help you develop insights into how the aging of America and demographics of the 21st century have revealed the life stage Middlescence, creating a tremendous opportunity for communities, companies, investors and policy makers.